Motivational Quotes 3/25/22

We seek nothing directly; everything comes to us indirectly.

Opportunity calls for guts

Where there is no courage there can be no success.

Actions engender feelings. Bold acts engender boldness. Timid acts engender timidity.

Don’t strive for perfection. Strive to accept your flaws.

There is always an excuse for not succeeding. There is never an excuse for not trying.

Happiness is in the here and now.

Are broken people stronger than before?*

Your limitations are the only ones you create*

If you are waiting and waiting for the right time to do something you’ve always wanted, you’re just procrastinating. The right time will never come. The time becomes right when you make yourself begin.

*Mallory Weggemann

Motivational Quotes 1/28/22

There is a buildup to luck; once a special event occurs, luck is spent, and it takes time to build luck up again.

The objective to life is to fulfill your destiny.

It doesn’t matter what others may think of us; it only matters what we think of ourselves.

Be fair to others; be fair to yourself. Judge not others; judge not thy own self.

To start is always the hardest part.

Everything starts off with enthusiasm; the trick is to keep going when the enthusiasm wears off.

Work makes rest better. Rest makes work better.

How am I to get through this day? And only this day.

Cope, manage, deal.

Motivational Quotes 9/3/21

It is easy to like those who are like you; the key is to also like those who are different from you

We make the world a better place by leaving behind children who are better than ourselves

Allow chance to take its course and it always arrives at fate

Oftentimes normal is best and what’s best is not normal

The imperfections make art. Exactness makes science

Everyone has a burden to bear

There are ten broken hearts for every light on Broadway -popular

Forget normal; be special!

Paths cross when two people have something to say

Work is happiness. Sloth is depression

Motivational Quotes 8/13/21

God made man hunger for food, so he would not get lazy. Then he plagued him with disease, so he would have the need for God.

Each person comes not only with a face but also with a fate.

Heaven is hard to earn; the price for heaven is life

When you add up all of life’s joys and all of its sorrows, the end result is nothing short of magnificent.

Why does the past seem beautiful? Even events that were painful to live through from afar assume a wonderful aura.

Every talent is a burden. It carries the burden of expression, the burden of hard work and the burden of frustration.

We admire kids for all the good qualities we have lost.

Happiness can never be pursued directly. It is in the pursuit of a goal that we find happiness.

The only thing worse than failing is failing to try.

Motivational Quotes 6/11/21

The devil can never make you do it. Whatever dark influence there is, the decision, whether to be good or bad, is always your own.

God is the world’s greatest poet. He has written a magnificent life story for each person who has ever lived.

Others want to see you doing well, but not better than them. -popular

Make it hard to do bad; make it easy to do good -Gretchen Rubin

To live is to fight and to fight is to live.

There is a certain beauty to our lives; that of coincidences, poetic justice, and full circle moments.

Many are the ones willing to have fun with you. Few are the ones willing to suffer alongside you.

A friend in need is a friend in deed. -Ennius (Roman)

You wish to have your neighbor’s life; he wishes to have yours! -Joel Osteen

The present is always the best time to be alive!