Motivational Quotes 8/4/23

We don’t need one big, dramatic, unrealistic change. We need many small, achievable improvements.
Each eye is a mirror where you can see your own face.
You become happy only when you become good.
The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are – Samuel Johnson
A few are meant to be lucky.
You have it all, and are unhappy!
Whether it be a friend, a book, or a song, the right thing always finds you at the right time.
Treat those around you with respect.
When we behave badly we set an example for others to do so; when we behave well we encourage them to behave well.
It’s hard to go after what you really want. It’s easy to go after what you don’t.

Published by

George Shetuni

I am an author of fiction, essays, and poetry. I also enjoy blogging. In my blog, I write about self help, motivation, and literature.

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