Motivational Quotes 9 30 23

God does not reveal himself so that we don’t lose our sense of faith.

In adulthood, all the dreams of your youth get to come true.

A day in your life is your whole life in a day, for what is the sum total of life but an accumulation of ordinary days.

Luck is meaningless. Fate is meaningful.

Like everything else, feelings are temporary.

Don’t honor only thy parents, but also honor thy own self.

He who thinks poetically, cannot help but to see all the poetry in the universe; he who does not, sees none.

He who has many possessions is wealthy, while he who has none is free, for wealth can be costly.

Expectations are a self fulfilling prophecy. You rise or lower to meet them. -Alex, and Brett Harris

Don’t be too nice for your own good.

Don’t be a stalker. Be a man – Josh Shipp

Published by

George Shetuni

I am an author of fiction, essays, and poetry. I also enjoy blogging. In my blog, I write about self help, motivation, and literature.

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