Motivational Quotes 11/20/20

The world is a poem composed by God.

The artist has to earn his audience.

Ain’t gonna waste this life*

Believe it the world has changed in a whole new way*

You can cheat death but you can’t cheat fate

What you can’t perceive can’t hurt you

To each his equal, as determined by place

We don’t know who we are but in each other’s eyes.

There is intelligence in a glance; which vanishes once the mouth opens and the conversation becomes dumbed down to an unsophisticated level.

The body carries mind; every limb carries soul, and feels.

We never know how lucky we have been, until it’s over…

Only what is mine is any good, for the good thing that is not mine, I could never enjoy…

*the Offspring

motivational quotes 12/23/14

An oldie but a goodie

George Shetuni

Don’t turn into a cynic.

Daily life is happiness to me.

You can’t enjoy pleasure because it’s always accompanied by pressure.

Don’t allow yourself to be idle.

Be mindful.

Stand for something.

Embrace your nature. (Gretchen Rubin)

No guts no glory (folk)

Try really hard.

If you can take the blame people will give you the responsibility. (Gretchen Rubin)

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Motivational Quotes 7/10/20

the dream is ripped away in the beginning and restored in the end

why not realize your world? never mind the defeat, there is victory yet -Emerson

change does not come from washington; change comes to washington -Corey Booker

all storms conclude in sunshine

Not till we are lost do we begin to find ourselves -Thoreau

Wherever there is an excess of good luck there is also an excess of bad luck

God starts the day in the dark -Joel Osteen

fate makes no mistakes

lose small, rather than big; lose in the beginning, win in the end

in times like these, it’s helpful to remember that there have always been times like these-Paul Harvey, American radio broadcaster

Motivational Quotes 6/12/20

In the past, you suffered, persevered, and survived. Like then, today you will suffer, persevere and survive.

One’s objective should be to get it right, get it quick, get it out, and get it over…Your problem won’t improve with age. -Warren Buffett

Always do what you are afraid to do -Emerson

The bold are always lucky -Danish proverb

Do the right thing even when the wrong thing is happening -Joel Osteen

Faith makes things possible, but it does not make them easy -Alonzo Mourning

Patience is the best medicine

No struggle befalls a man but one he can comprehend

Equality is for the afterlife; compensation is for this life

You are what you think, so think positively; you are what you believe, so believe in yourself

Effort and belief in yourself will get you where you think you belong

Motivational Quotes 2/8/19

Don’t wait on tomorrow for that is just procrastination. Today is always the best day to begin work on your dreams.

Home sweet little home… had I never left you, perhaps I never would have met all the ills i had to meet with in life.

Face up to trouble; the trouble you face far away is ten times worse than the trouble you face at home –Lassie

The greatest enemy in life is not a person. It is a place you don’t belong.
The greatest ally in life is not a person. It is your home.

God is for the sick, and the suffering…

What’s the difference whether we call it fate or luck? Each one goes to the same destination.

The soul comes out in art